Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Reading can be fun

I dont read, I will be the first to admit. Magazines and small articles are ok, but never a book, that is untill a friend turned me on to World War Z. It's about the zombie war, what better is there? This should happen, screw wars, plagues, meteors, religious apacolypse, I want zombies. It took me a couple of months to read it, primarily during my flights and I couldnt wait to get back to it. I suggest everyone read it and learn, because when the shit hits the fan, I dont need people coming ot my for advice.


  1. I am reading this book right now and I will confirm that not only is it a literary masterpiece, it is an invaluable learning and teaching tool and needs to be integrated into the public school teaching curriculum ASAP.

  2. Your right, this needs to be brought up. I dont think people take it seriously enough. If this isnt natural I can only hope that there is some pissed off bio engineer working on this somewhere.

    How far are you in the book?

  3. not far, I'm almost done with the first section.

  4. I will have to get this book. I really need to read it because I don't want to have to wait to hear from you as far as what to do in case of vampire trouble.

  5. well have to admit I am screwed with vampires too, lol. i think it was a Freudian slip, zombies is more my style

  6. I have always said I will take vampires, zombies, werewolves, even The Mummy over aliens. For all the rest I at least have a prescription, for aliens - not much you can do about them.
