Thursday, October 23, 2008

This is the end.......

Today I received the last dvd in the Sopranos series. It is a sad moment, I have pushed this day farther and farther, but now it is here. My plan is to slowly buy the seasons and start watching it again and then again and probably again when Damian comes to age. That age, I dont know, I seem to be lowering and lowering it. I have so many movies and series for him to watch, but I need to wait. Well her we go, this weekend I will have finished the best show ever mad and immediatly after want to watch it again.


  1. I can't wait till Damian gets to see Dawn of the Dead. Looking forward to his thoughts on the BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME.

  2. I don't know about Damian and Dawn of the Dead. I think we need to work him up to this one. How about we start him out with the Mummy or Dracula or the WereWolf. Remember that is how we all started out. Got to work up the the really good stuff. Besides he is just into Jaws now.

  3. he's having a tough time with the horror films right now, and I am talking about kids ones. Not sure if its gonna be his thing, Hailie will sit and watch them late with me, but she may not understand it yet. Damian has always been a little emotional.

  4. It's the same with Josh and Madison, Mad is the one who watches the scary stuff with her dad. He has never liked it that I know of.
