Wednesday, December 3, 2008

That time of year again.

I suggest to anyone who likes classical music or music in general to check out Trans-Siberian Orchestra. It works out good if your significant other has been wanting to see a play, musical or orchestra, because this doesn't border complete boredom. I snuck out last year and went to see it with a friend, its not a cheap show, but it does last a couple of hours. Its narrated like a story and mixes classical music with rock and a light/pyro show. The story was good, the narration fit right in and even the music I normally don't like to hear came out really good live. I am going to try and take Damian this year, funds pending.


  1. I have heard about this.It sounds great. Where are they going to be?

  2. Palace oh Auburn Hills. It was really goo last year

  3. This may have to wait till next year when I am finally a working woman again. My Christmas entertainment for this year is a play in Bayview called Rudolph the Pissed-Off Reindeer.
    Just ordered tickets tonight. 16 bucks for me and the Papa Cash to go.
    Review will be forthcoming.....
